Rug wash & repair

Whether saddle pad, stable rug, sweat rug, summer or winter rug, we wash everything!

To protect your horse's rug from rain and moisture for a long time, you can also have your rug impregnated by us. Thanks to a new washing system, we also have the option of disinfecting your rugs. This is particularly recommended during the shedding period, as the horse can quickly become infected with a fungal infection.

If necessary and by arrangement, we can also repair your previously cleaned rugs!

Our prices:

  • Winter rugs 15,00 € / piece
  • from 10 winter rugs 12,00 € / piece
  • Summer rug 12,00 € / piece
  • from 10 summer rugs 10,00 € / piece
  • Impregnation 8,00 € / piece
  • Saddle pad wash 3,50 € / piece
  • Disinfection 4,00 € / piece

  • Do you need more information or do you have any questions? Simply contact our customer service team during our business hours by email at or by phone on 05492 5577 0.